SIMPLERAD Consortium Members


●  Ms. Monika Hierath, Mag., Vienna/Austria

●  Prof. Bernd Joachim Krause, Rostock/Germany

●  EIBIR project office


●  Prof. Dr. Ken Herrmann, Essen/Germany

●  Prof. Dr. Frederik Verburg, Rotterdam/Netherlands

●  Dr. Jonathan Gear, London/United Kingdom

●  Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Michael Lassmann, Würzburg/Germany

●  Assoc. Prof. Caroline Stokke, Oslo/Norway (also EFOMP)

●  Prof. Dr. Peter Covens, Belgium/Brussels

●  Dr. Clemens Decristoforo, Innsbruck/Austria

●  Ms. Marianne Patt, Leipzig/Germany

●  Mr. Rico Schulze, Dresden/Germany

●  EANM office with support to EIBIR project office


●  Prof. Manuel Bardiès, Montpellier/France

●  Dr. Steffie Peters, Nijmegen/Netherlands

●  Assoc. Prof. Caroline Stokke, Oslo/Norway (also EANM)

No subcontractors will be engaged by the tenderer.