SASAI Audit Reports

SASAI conducted audits at ABX in Radeberg, Germany (2019 and 2023).

More details on those audit reports and how to purchase them, can be found here:


Within six months, a total of 80 ABX audit reports have been provided  (April ’21) to the community so far, and we have experienced an overwhelmingly positive response – so here is some of the feedback:

“It cannot be repeated too often, this initiative by EANM is very much appreciated and a very big help for the community, as especially academic radiopharmacies hardly have the manpower and possibilities to perform the necessary regular audits all by themselves.” – Prof. Dr. Gerald Reischl, University Hospital Tübingen

“It looks like a very thorough audit and report and it fits my intended use perfectly!” – St. Antonius Hospital, Nieuwegein, NL